Unclaimed Baggage Walks the Oscar Stage

At Unclaimed Baggage, we like to say every bag and its contents tells a unique story. While it’s fascinating to imagine the former lives of the items we unpack, it’s even greater hearing the unique ways these items live on. With a mission to give new life to lost, unclaimed, and rejected items, Unclaimed Baggage gives lost items the opportunity to live on and create new stories. Perhaps it’s a wedding dress for a new bride, a laptop for a college student, or… a tuxedo for a three-time Academy Award recipient.

North Alabama native, Daniel Scheinert, walked the biggest stage in Hollywood the night of March 12th sporting a piece from home – a tuxedo purchased from Unclaimed Baggage. Scheinert’s film, Everything Everywhere All At Once, received seven Oscars, and Scheinert and his filmmaking partner, Daniel Kwan, each took home three awards including best picture, best director, and best original screenplay.

The Unclaimed Baggage team wishes Daniel a huge congratulations and is so proud to see a fellow Alabamian achieve such great success. You never know what you’ll find at Unclaimed Baggage, and you never know what stories its items hold. Unclaimed Baggage is honored to be a part Daniel’s story.

Check out these articles to learn more about Daniel's big night!

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